Product Flow

Product Flow

May 1



Dashboard :

The DASHBOARD is a rich compilation of dynamic information arranged in logical sections allowing the manager to make informed decisions about the progress of the specific INITIATIVE.

Dashboard sections:

TILES can be added and configured

TOLERANCE is a dynamic representation of the health of the initiative

STATUS is the calculated periodic status of RED / AMBER / GREEN of the child initiatives.

COMMON FUNCTION is the calculated RED / AMBER / GREEN including a graphical trend.

May 2

Dashboard Widgets

Dashboard Widgets

1. EPMOWORX Instant Message (EIM) widget:

Licensed users can create rooms and invite individuals for collaborative work via instant messaging.

2. EPMOWORX Instant Navigation (EIN) widget:

The user can instantly assess what is RED / AMBER / GREEN and quickly navigate to the trouble spot to investigate further.

3. EPMOWORX Quick Charts (EQC) widget:

The entitled user can quickly access COMMON FUNCTION graphs indicating delays and overruns.

4. EPMOWORX Alert Manager (EAM) widget:

Alerts can be configured based on business rules and triggers such as a new ISSUE created or a RISK target overrun.

May 3

INITIATIVE hierarchy record sections

INITIATIVE hierarchy record sections

INITIATIVE hierarchy record sections :

All hierarchy records are an INITIATIVE. (BUSINESS DRIVER, EXECUTIVE PLAN, PORTFOLIO, PROGRAMME or PROJECT). Each contains the same consistent sections of Primary information, Details, Common Functions and Documents.

Primary Information section : identifies the unique INTIATIVE hierarchy record as well as the RED / AMBER / GREEN trend over four periods.

Details section : records every day useful information managers need in an instant (Owners, KPI, Action and Note)

COMMON Functions : All hierarchy records (INITIATIVE) consist of tabs to support governance COMMON Functions. Each tab contains a summary table of the specific record.

Document section : allows the user to add documents relevant to the specific INITIATIVE record.

May 4

INITIATIVE hierarchy record details

INITIATIVE hierarchy record details

INITIATIVE hierarchy record sections :

All hierarchy records (INITIATIVE) contains a Primary information section a Detail section, a Common Functions section and a Documents section.

Primary Information : Identifies the unique INTIATIVE hierarchy record as well as the RED / AMBER / GREEN trend over four periods.

Details section :

The Details section records the everyday useful information managers need in an instant. Detail information is divided into logical tabs for ease of navigation including: Owner, Key Performance Indicators (KPI), Executive Plans, Action and Notes.

May 5

COMMON Functions section

COMMON Functions section

COMMON Functions section :

All hierarchy records (INITIATIVE) have a series of tabs to support governance COMMON Functions. The COMMON Functions Section provide quick access to tabulated summaries of records of each COMMON Function. Each record in the COMMON Function summary table is clickable to the specific record. COMMON Function record types include:

  • RISK
May 6

COMMON Functions

COMMON Functions

COMMON Functions section :

All hierarchy records (INITIATIVE) have a series of tabs to support governance COMMON Functions. The COMMON Functions Section provide quick access to tabulated summaries of records of each COMMON Function. Each record in the COMMON Function summary table is clickable to the specific record. COMMON Function record types include:

  • RISK
May 7



TOLERANCE Function :

All hierarchy records (INITIATIVE) are subject to enterprise wide configurable business rules of TOLERANCE. This allows the organization to objectively configure what is RED / AMBER / GREEN . This objective method for measuring TOLERANCE provides a consistent method for measuring the performance of all INTIATIVES across the entire enterprise of the organization

Administrators can set the type and severity of KPI for each specific COMMON Function. TOLERANCE of the unit to be set inside the COMMON Function in order to change the status of specific records as RED / AMBER / GREEN .

May 8

finance sheet

finance sheet

Finance Management main functions include :

  • Cost planning and budgeting
  • Cost monitoring
  • Costs analysis and reporting

Planned and Actual cost components are :

  • Labour: internal and external resources and Labour overheads
  • Materials: project equipment, software etc.
  • Fixed costs: office space etc.

Budget, Planned and Actual costs can be entered manually for simple projects or can be imported from external finance systems via a spreadsheet template. All records imported into EPMOWORX™ will be retained for ongoing monitoring, analytics and predictive analytics.